7 Tips To Improve Video Content ROI

Do videos create ROI — or return on investment — for your business? 

You know that video is the most engaging type of content and has a much higher conversion rate than any other form of content. 

But your company videos haven’t produced the results you need, and you want to try a new approach.

The good news is that it’s not too late to change your current strategy.

In this post, we've outlined several ways to improve video content ROI, which can help to increase leads and revenue for your business.

Table of Contents

What Is ROI in Video?

ROI in video indicates how well business video assets generate profit compared to its costs. Companies invest in creating video content to promote their products and services, while engaging their audience. Investing in quality video content driving up ROI for businesses if done correctly. 

If you want to be sure your business’ videos create an ROI, consider working with Ridgeline Media Marketing.

At Ridgeline Media Marketing, we provide an end-to-end solution for creating high-quality videos with impactful messaging. 

With customized digital strategies and professional storytelling techniques, we work hard to ensure all our clients get maximum value from their investments in video content.

Contact us to schedule a strategy call today.

do videos create roi

Do Videos Create ROI?

The ROI of video content can be incredibly lucrative when done right. 

With an increasingly competitive online presence, having visually engaging content with impactful messaging that resonates with an audience is essential for businesses today. 

Stats show that 89% of video marketers that use videos experience a good ROI on their content.

Not only do videos increase engagement metrics such as shares and views, but they can also help to increase website conversions for your product or service.

Video Content Allows for Measurable Data

Compared to traditional textual content, video content has been known to help gain far more attention, engagement, and return on investment (ROI). 

Marketers who use videos in their social media strategy experience an average click-through rate (CTR) of 1.84% compared to 0.19% of those who do not use videos.

Another great benefit of using videos is the ability to measure ROI even at a granular level — often down to individual clicks and seconds viewed due to technological advances in tracking and analytics. 

The data from these tools can provide insights into:

  • How many times the video was viewed
  • When people stopped watching the video
  • What parts of the video were skipped through; and
  • What parts of the video were the most frequently watched

Analyzing this type of data can help create more content that drives ROI.

7 Tips To Boost Your Video Content ROI

#1: Use User-Generated Content

User-generated content can effectively improve your ROI of video content because it often has higher engagement rates and can increase conversions in the long run.

Not only does user-generated content cost significantly less than developing your own content, but it’s also more authentic and creates a stronger connection with the audience. 

Rather than relying solely on hi-production videos with actors and sets, you can encourage users to submit original material on anything from:

  • Behind-the-scenes footage of events or activities
  • Promotional spots at popular locations
  • Creative reinterpretations of existing works; or
  • Any other videos related to your company or brand

The key thing here is to select content that resonates with viewers and that will draw their attention and favorability toward your brand — like the following user-generated video.

#2: Use Employee-Generated Content

Using employee-generated content adds value without relying too heavily on large budgets or complicated techniques.

Examples of using employee-generated content include:

  • Newsletters
  • YouTube videos
  • Social media; and
  • Blog posts on company websites

Social networks are powerful platforms for businesses seeking to increase engagement levels and earn more conversions from their target audience.

When employees share their stories on social media, they can help extend their reach further by providing insight and advice with personal experience in your industry.

Google employees do a great job sharing their experiences with employee-generated content.

#3: Use Various Channels To Manage Video Content

When trying to maximize video content ROI, you should combine several different outlets and channels. 

This strategy can help to ensure your content reaches the broadest possible audience. 

If a business only uses its website and social media handles to distribute videos, then a large number of potential viewers could be missed. 

To gain maximum engagement, use channels including:

  • Website
  • Newsletter
  • Social media
  • Email marketing; and
  • Online streaming services

Using various channels to manage video content opens up more productive avenues for customers to find your content. It also increases brand visibility across multiple platforms simultaneously — ensuring an optimal ROI for your video content.

#4: Use Different Types of Videos

One of the elements that can help increase your video content’s ROI is using different types of videos. 

There are many types of videos available to use, and each type has its own benefits. 

The key is to choose the type that best suits your target audience.

If you need some ideas, consider these seven different types:

  1. Events
  2. Interviews
  3. Interactive videos
  4. Live broadcasting
  5. Customer testimonials
  6. Product tutorials and demos; and
  7. Webinars and virtual online events

#5: Include a Call-to-Action

Creating a call-to-action (CTA) can be one of the most impactful things business owners and marketers can do to resolve ROI on video content strategy. 

A CTA is an instruction or invitation to the viewer to take immediate action. 

For example, if you’re producing a video explaining your product and how it solves a problem, you can prompt viewers to request more information about the product.

Throughout the video, the viewer should be reminded of what action he or she is being asked to take at specific points in your video story, such as:

  • Visiting a link
  • Buying a product
  • Contacting your business
  • Downloading a free guide; and
  • Requesting information about a service

Keep in mind that viewers may need multiple CTAs throughout the video — not just at the end — to help them remember what you’re asking them to do. 

This allows the viewers to think through their options for taking action and helps with decision fatigue, which makes it easier for them to proceed.

#6: Include Contact Forms or Information

When producing and publishing video content, make sure you include contact forms or information following your CTA.

This could include providing links in the video descriptions to …

  • Subscription forms
  • Product pages; or
  • Contact pages 

… where viewers can click to learn more about what they’ve just seen in the video. 

This will provide you with more opportunities to convert dedicated viewers into customers.

#7: Create and Include a Post-Click Landing Page

Creating specific post-click landing pages can drive exponential growth in your video efforts and help increase ROI significantly. 

Post-click landing pages are specific pages on which viewers can "land" after watching or engaging with your video content. 

These pages should be mobile-optimized and easy for the user to navigate so the visitor can take action right away. 

Typically, post-click landing pages include these three things:

  1. Content to learn more about your product or service.
  2. Information on ways to engage further and ask questions.
  3. Opportunities to capture leads and gather information about the viewer.

When creating a post-click landing page, make sure it is mobile-optimized and easy to navigate. 

Looking To Create High-Quality Video Content That Drives ROI? Ridgeline Media Marketing Can Help

If you are looking to create high-quality video content that drives ROI, then Ridgeline Media Marketing is the solution.

Ridgeline Media Marketing is a video marketing company in Boise specializing in creating and producing high-end video content for small and medium businesses. 

We offer a range of services and solutions to tackle all your video needs, such as:

  • Viral campaigns
  • Simple explainer videos; and
  • Amazing promotional videos

We have a professional team with years of experience in the world of media production who take pride in working with you from the conception phase of your project down to the post-production cycle. 

Our team at Ridgeline Media Marketing ensures that we deliver what we promised during each phase of the production cycle through our commitment and dedication to using state-of-the-art tools and technology.

With our amazing array of services and solutions, let us help you craft engaging professional video content with high ROI potential for your business.

Contact us at Ridgeline Media Marketing today.

do videos create roi